Polygel Master Shimmer 03 30gr


This Polygel Lilly Beaute is a revolution in the Acrygel category.

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Polygel Lilly Beaute Pink Shimmer 30gr is a combination of the positive properties of acrylic and gel in one package.

No :
  • dries in the air
  • burns the lamp in the polymerization
  • has no smell
  • creates blur
  • discolored
  • has bubbles

Polygel Lilly Beaute Pink Shimmer gives the necessary time for work. Can be used in nail building and mold. A product that meets the needs of every experienced or novice craftsman.

  • How to use Polygel Lilly Beaute


    1. File the free end with a file BUFFER Nail File 120/240 or Nail Buffer 180/240 .
    2. With a Pusher or wheel we gently lift the cuticles and we take the dead cells from the folds of the nail. ATTENTION ! The cuticle is a protector of the nail matrix and it is dangerous to pull it. Be careful when using a metal pusher or wheel as violent use can damage the cuticle.
    3. Use a cuticle pliers and carefully remove the cuticles.
    4. Make sure you clean the nail folds properly.
    5. With a nail file 150/150 GRIT, gently file the surface of the nail in the direction as the nail grows. File gently near the cuticle and its folds.
    6. Dust the nail with a dust removal brush.
    7. Dehydrate the surface of the nail using cellulose paper .
      The filing process is very important. What we do in essence is to open scales (invisible to the naked eye) on the nail helping the building material to penetrate and integrate better into our natural nail.
      ATTENTION we never use Buffer after filing.
    8. We install Primer .
    9. We move on to the natural nail Base Coat Global Fashion.
    10. Cure in LED lamp for 1 minute or in UV Lamp for 2 minutes.
    11. Squeeze the tube (from the back not in the middle) and with the help of the spatula take a quantity of the product and place it on the nail. we follow the same procedure for all nails.
    12. We use the brush for acrygel-polygel.
    13. Cure in LED Lamp for 1 minute or in UV Lamp for 2 minutes.
    14. Wipe with Cleaner .
    15. With a 100/180 file we completely shape the nail.
    16. For a perfect result with gloss, we apply Top Coat Global Fashion.

Read more on our Blog;

The easy application of Polygel, Acrygel

Additional information




Weight* 86 g
* Indicated Weight of Package


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