No8 Kolinsky acrylic brush with safety cap


The brush made of natural hair is very comfortable to work with, does not slip during work, provides excellent precision of movements. Easy to use by beginners as well as experienced craftsmen.

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Acrylic brush

Kolinsky Acrylic Brush No8. Acrylic brush ideal for "building" artificial nails. Chrome body design, comfortable with size #8 natural hair.

Brushes need special attention, both in the way we open them, and in the way we use and store them. Before we dip the brush into the acrylic and use it for the first time, the first thing we do is to remove the glue on it with our finger, constantly moving the bristles left and right, as if dusting it. In addition, after each use, before storing, dip and clean it in clear acrylic liquid.

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